Thursday, September 11, 2014

Behind the Scenes of the Festival Mode & Design Montreal August 2014

Hello Readers,

As most of you may know, that I am a fashion student. I ventured out into the fashion industry during my summer vacation. To gain more knowledge and see what the industry has to offer.

I was in contact with Groupe Sensation Mode, and I offered my services to volunteer during Fashion Week in Montreal.

I was then sent an e-mail with the dates that fashion week would be running. I was asked which days and times I would be available. I then received another e-mail with the dates, times and tasks I would be preforming throughout the week. So that way I would get a general idea of what I was going to expect.

I did not realize what these events entail for the set up process, and the people it needed to make the whole production run perfectly. This was because I am usually a spectator for other events. These events include, Just for Laughs and the Jazz Festival.

I've never seen Fashion Week before, but I am so happy that I got the chance to see it up close and behind the scenes and not as a spectator.

I wanted to share with you my experience throughout the week, and show you all what happens behind the scenes to prepare for Fashion Week.

Fashion Week Booklet 

Kylene Ryan 
Kylene Ryan 

There is a lot of work that needs to be done for the event to function and run smoothly.

There was about 50 volunteers to help set up the event and help out where need. That does not including other companies and personal that had their own responsibilities. They were also involved throughout the process of the event. From setting up the stages, the pop-up shops, setting up booths and stands, and setting up the VIP section. Some of the personal ranged from designers to stylist, make-up artists to hairstylists, and stage production managers. Everyone had to bring their A game to keep on schedule. This would help prevent conflicts throughout the week, so that way it would run like a well oiled machine, as the saying would go.

DJ Booth - Set up 

VIP Section - Set Up

Last Minute Touch Ups - Target Mannequin (Also doubled As A Gift Giving Away Prop, With People Hiding Inside To Give Out Gifts To The People Who Approached) 

Behind the stage before the event was on it's way, I've witnessed a lot of meeting being taken place between different parties. In order to communicate what they needed to do, or answer any questions they might have had. These meeting set guidelines for the upcoming event.

Hairstylist - Meeting 

Make-up Artist - Meeting
Back Stage Technicians - Meeting 
Models & Designer - Meeting
After the meetings were finished, the models needed to do a test run with all the props they would be using during the show. They needed to get a feeling on using the prop, and walking the runway with them. During this time, the designer would change it up, and place the models in their proper places on the stage. As well they would receive guidance by the designer who's show they would be preforming in. This allowed for the designer to see his or her vision come to life. This run through would allow them to fine-turn or iron out any issues that the designer has seen before the big event started.

Prop Test

Prop Test 

Prop Test 
Prop Test 

Prop Test 

Pop-up boutiques, these boutiques consist of local and independent designers. It allowed them to showcase their clothing during Fashion Week. The pop-up boutiques would also preform their own fashion show on a smaller stage. This allowed the spectators to see their articles of clothing and/or accessories on real live models and not just on hangers or in showcases.

Pop-Up Shops 

Pop-Up Shop - Set up 

Pop-Up Shop - Set up 
Pop-Up Shops - Practice Runway Before The Show

The preparation of the clothing for the show, was all sorted out on racks and they were steamed. On these racks were the name of the stores and/or designers that the clothing had came from or was made by. Just to name a few of these stores and/or designers, there was Guess & Marciano, Forever 21, Dynamtie, Le Château, La Vie en Rose, LaSalle College and École De Mode Du CÉGEP Marie-Victorin. There were other designers presenting their independent brand. Ardene was the certified sponsor of accessories.

Another detail on the racks, were that each outfit and accessory was labelled with the name of the model and number it would be worn in the show. The clothing for the show were stored in a location not to far from the runway. 

I added some pictures just to show how the layout worked and to give a visual of what some of the clothing looked like.

Storage Of Clothing - Before Shown On The Runway  

The racks of clothing were brought backstage when everything was finalized. They were all rolled out to the main stage by volunteers, just before the store or designer it question would be putting on their show. They were then set up on the empty racks that were assigned to the backstage area. The models were provided an area backstage were they were able to change between each set. This area was enclosed to offer them some privacy. There was people around to help them in and out of each outfit. Those people would be there to make sure the final look was pulled off and presentable.

Clothing Brought Backstage  

Fashion Week had a lot of sponsors that helped provide products, services and funds for the event. They ranged from beauty product brands, to malls, beverage companies, magazines, well-known companies, and music channels in Montreal.

Some Of The Sponsors Of Fashion Week

During Fashion Week, I was asked to do a lot of different task throughout the event.

I was asked to promote the events to come by handing out the booklet. As well as showing the people where to find the information in the booklet.

My next task was to help prepare the the gift bags, and fill them with all the goodies that some spectators would be able to enjoy. These goodies ranged from beauty products, magazines, coupons, perfume and water.

I was asked to help out the models, if they had any questions or needed anything, and to find out the answers they were seeking.

I also help clean the area where the spectators were able to give themselves manicures.

One of my other tasks was helping out backstage, making props, assigning 2 models names to each of the empty racks. All of the clothing was labelled with names and numbers. The numbers indicated which order the models would be wearing that outfit. I also had to make sure that the outfits went to there perspective model, as they were not in order or were not grouped together by the models names when they first arrived backstage.

I was also asked to hand out the gift bags to the VIP's, who were invited by different companies to enjoy the event up close. The section for the VIP's was elevated off the ground so they were able to see everything, and not have an obstructed view. It was a red carpet experience for them, there was an actual red carpet, a backdrop where they were able to take pictures in front of. A door man to make sure that everyone was invited. The guest that were invited wore a bracelet or had a ticket to be able to enter.

On my last day I was asked to work at the information booth. It was set up with pamphlets, booklets and business cards.  These pamphlets and business cards were all information about the stores participating in the pop-up shops. The booklet indicated the whole week of events and information about the designers and other personal involved in the event. In the information booth I provided answers to the people who had inquiries. About when certain shows started, how long Fashion Week was going on for, and the nature of the event. They also came to the information booth if they were having trouble locating the different booths or boutiques situated in the Quartier des  Spectacles.

Gift Bags (300) - Preparation 
Goodies In The Bag

Manicure Station 

Gift Bag From A Designer Who's Brand Hit The Runway, Given To VIP's
( A Storage Pouch With Coupons)   

Clothing Set Up Backstage
Fashion Week is a great way to network and meet a lot of well established people, as well as meeting people who share your love and passion for fashion, and the industry. I personally meet a lot of great people through this experience, and they named me as the head and lead volunteer throughout some of my tasks. So hard work does pay off even when you think no one is looking, they are. Volunteers do get acknowledged by the professional people around them. Volunteers need to put 100% into their work, just like any other companies who were hired to help out with the production and set up of Fashion Week.

Fashion Week was very busy and fast-paced for us volunteers. It was a great way to see what happens behind the scenes. It was very informative, and a great way to gain hands on knowledge.  

Even thought my days were long and tired-sum, it opened my eyes in a positive way, to see the process as a whole, and what goes into such a big production. It felt so natural for me to be part of this event. It made me realize that the profession I am studying is the right profession for me. I've gained a lot of experience in such a short time, that I will be able to apply to my future career, as well as my internship. This process showed me what it felt like to work under a tight schedule, and it showed me how this industry moves so rapidly. My week of volunteering exhibited the different type of individuals who I will encounter within the industry, and might have the opportunity to cross paths with or work with again.  I do not regret the decision I made to venture out and offer assistance during Fashion Week. It was a great way to spend some of my summer vacation, out of the books and into the field.  

People sometimes think volunteering will not bring much to the table or bring them benefits, but it does. It is away to see if one has chosen the right path, before entering a new educational program. It is away to see what situations one may come across in the workforce, or what tasks they might have to preform. One is able to learn a lot about themselves throughout the process. The great part about volunteering, is if the outcome is positive and they enjoy the tasks at hand, they can added this to their CV as experience. A lot of companies like to see volunteering on a CV, that is related to the area in question to where the person will be applying to work. It shows that the person takes initiative, they put themselves out there, and that they are gaining additional knowledge within the industry.  

I hope it inspires you all to venture out and find your path. To start volunteering in the area and/or industry that you are drawn to. Where you would like to find more information about, before taking the big step. Or just to add more credentials to your CV with in the industry in question, and be able to gain additional skills. 

I hope you all enjoyed my behind the scenes experience at Fashion Week. That you all have acquired knowledge by reading about my week, and hearing my positive input about volunteering. I hope that this has brought forth a clearer understanding of the process and steps of volunteering, and what it entails.

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