Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Clothing and Accessory Exchange Parties

Hello ladies,

When your tight on cash, and your wishing for some new clothing, but can't afford, your probably wondering what are you going to do to add a little spice to your wardrobe?

Well here's how to get a quick fix, go through your existing wardrobe and accessories, and see what your not wearing or they are sightly worn but still in good condition, and you can live without.

Send out an invitation to all your fashionable girlfriends and ask them to go through their clothing and accessories, and invite them over for a clothing and accessory exchange party.

Make your party chic, by putting out some finger foods, a refreshing drink like a punch. So that way when the girls are trying on the clothing that they are interested in or trying to make outfits out of multiple pieces, the girls who are watching the little fashion show and who are waiting for their turn, can mingle and relax by enjoying the ambiance that you have set up for them.

You can turn your bedroom in to ultimate changing room, just by adding additional mirrors, lay out all clothing and accessories that the girls have brought with them, so everyone can see it and touch it and fully make up an outfit before they are a 100% sure they want to try it on. Turn your room into your own little boutique.

These parties give the word hand-me-down clothing, new meaning and life, because it is not the typical way to get used goods, so they will be looked at in a different light with no stigma attached.

The girls will leave happy and won't be ashamed to wear the pieces from your party.

Let your friends enjoy the clothing you have been ignoring!

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