Thursday, May 1, 2014

Clutter and Confused

The age old question;  What do I wear?

I'm sure a lot of people ask themselves this everyday, here is my suggestions for this question. I suggest that one day when you have nothing to do, get a pen and paper, and go through your cupboards and dressers, take everything out and lay it where you can visually see the items.

1st, start by removing the items you have not worn in the last 6 months, put them aside, you can make a pile calling it the unsure pile, seeing as you might not integrate these items into your current style

2nd, go through the rest of the clothing you have laid out, start but putting aside the clothing you wear the most.

3rd, go through the clothing that you wear and organize them in categories such as; casual wear, workout clothing, office wear and date night.

4th, the clothing you are unsure of look them over and see if you can give them new life with your resent style.

5th, when putting them all back in your cupboard and dresser make sure you keep them in order and organize them in the categories for easy access to them when getting ready.

Now the question you maybe be asking is; why do I need a pen and paper?

During the whole process it is good to take notes of what you already have and what you may want to change seeing if it is warn out, or what you may need to buy in order to keep up with you style. This way when you do go shopping, you will know what your looking for and won't buy doubles. The shopping experience will be improved with these little steps, now go out to your favourite store and shop.

Always remember to have fun and try something new

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